Aloha to My Hilo Angel

I have searched both high and low
And now I have found you
Afloat in the Pacific at Hilo.
Now I finally know.

I know where my other half resides;
On a heavenly strip of soil
Surrounded by ocean on all sides.
Kept safe, so I can now spoil her.

That's just what I intend to do
As we stroll through eternity,
Just me and sweet you
To be with you, I'd part the seas.

Yes, I will take a water-walk
Perfectly compassionate and full of trust
That I can love twice as well as I can talk
And that is not factoring my unbridled lust.

Yes, the long road leading to love
Ends as well at your feet.
I know because I have walked that road
And now, at its end, I find myself complete.

By: Anthony Jackson 3-25-2000

****For My Lady Jennifer******