Now in Czech.
Velka otazka
Prosim, rekni mi, odkud pochazi utrpeni? Posila nam ho nejaky zly duch? Je to Karma, ktera na nas posila svuj bozsky hnev? Je to osud, ktery mame sami nad sebou, sebe-trestani za neco v nasi minulosti, ceho se nemuzeme zbavit, ve strachu, ze znova zopakujeme tyto skutky, ktere tvori tu bolest v dusi?
It is said that once we make our bed, we must lie in it, and yes, that much I grant you. Yet, why is it that some people are proned to force themselves not only lie in it, but to roll around in it and pull the cover up to their ears...to cuddle up to the idea that this is their lot in life-- to suffer it out until the bitter end. Why does this happen, and where are its roots planted?
Are not most ills of today, self-induced upon society? Rats living too close in physical proximity, frustrating themselves with the problems of the day to remember that those people standing around them are just that living, breathing fallable beings looking for nothing more than to feel the fullfillment within. What are we here for if not to fill that most infinitely important, yet finite void within our minds and metaphorical hearts? What else could be the reason for our being here? We must simply learn to find contentment within ourselves and think of all else as an indulgence we allow ourselves.