Volume 1, No. 3 ®Copyright 2000 An R2K Publication
April 2000
As I sit and look back on all that has been accomplished this month, I am amazed. Both submissions and subscriptions doubled, as I expected them to once our first issue was out. In picking up new subscribers, Renaissance2000 transcended from being merely an english language zine into a multi-lingual publication.
Poetry Art Prose Insights Photography Music Ask Umberto Sign Our Guestbook
View Our Guestbook
Editor's Desk: Onward and Upward! New also this month is our newsgroup located on the main page. Post! Post! Post! Use this as a means of communication between contributors and subscribers.
Our artists now have both a voice and an audience. I have received several emails from people interested in purchasing some of the paintings that I have submitted myself, and I hope to see more of that for all of the Renaissance2000 family of artists. Anyone wanting to commission a painting -or any other type of art- feel free to post to the guestbook all pertinent data. By pertinent data I mean your name, contact info, name of the artist, and title of the piece you are interested in, or a short summary of what you want created. Understand though, that R2k is not making money from this, but rather acting as a channel for artists to make the connection to get paid to do what their hearts desire most, to create.
Keep contributing, and I shall keep publishing anyone and everyone. That is my promise to all of you. Right now we are a single zine, but soon we will be THE zine. With over ONE MEG of content per issue, we are content-oriented! On that note I shall close for now. Go on and check out all the great content within these pages.
Anthony Jackson
Editor, Renaissance2000
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