We stayed in a hotel in Nashville the night before we left. I haven't really thought about these events in awhile, so things are a little hazy to me. There is a hotel right at the intersection of all three interstates 24, 40, and 65, which is the one we stayed in. It had a little tavern inside it called The Broken Spoke Saloon, and a lot of those old enough were going into (and those not old enough to drink were attempting to get into). Many of the men and women were looking to, oh how should I put this, find someone to have sex with before they shipped out. Many succeeded.
I called home and talked to my mom for a bit. Then I called and talked to my Stacy Baby for a long time before settling in to watch some television. I do not remember much about my roomates that night except that one was a prior service Marine going into the SEAL program. I thought I was nervous that night, but I truly did not know the meaning of nervous yet.
We were hearded on buses early the next morning and taken to the Nashville International Airport. Travis Lance, Jeremy Ashley, Demetria Erskine and I all travelled together that day. The first leg of our trip took us to Atlanta. I remember being in total awe of the beauty of the serene sky. We were in third class and our seats were even with the wings so we got a nice little hum the whole way.
By the time we reached Atlanta, it was obvious to the rest of us that we were going to have to watch over Ashley close or he was going to get separated from us and miss his flight and be rendered UA. He was always wondering off like a little child.
The next leg of the trip I had a window seat. Yet again I was wide awake, unable to do the sensable thing and rest up while I was able. It was dusk as we arrived in South Carolina. Our plane had to circle over the Atlantic awhile waiting to land in Charleston. Viewing the Atlantic from the air was so amazing. Not only was it the first time I had ever seen the ocean, but I was getting to fly out over it. Everything was great......and then we landed.