This section gives a step by step guide in how to project a film. It covers all areas from the moment you first walk into the room, until you leave at the end of the film, including making the next film up and the previous film down. First, an overview of the evening: The Schedule
This schedule is presented as if only the projectionist is present. (It is possible to do.) Usually other people will do some, if not most, of the jobs.
Step 1 - Preparation
Careful preparation will ensure that an evening goes smoothly, and help to keep you calm in a crisis. The Projectionist is responsible for the presentation of the film. This does not mean that you have to do it all yourself, just to ensure that everything is done. Generally the following things will need doing before people can be let into the room:
- Check film is ready, and tell the Chief Projectionist immediately if it is not. Inform the House Manager if the Chief Proj. is not present.
- Clear away slide projector and its screen.
- Fit the blacking to the rear board using the clips kept with the blacking. You will find both of them in the cabinet in the Sound Room.
- Put the centre speaker on its wedge on the table, and move to the centre of the black boards. Connect it to the socket on the right hand side of the boards, ensuring that the switch on the speaker is in the middle position.
- Lower the screen
- Switch on the Dolby system. At 6.50 or so, start that night's tape from URY.
- Check film format, and fit correct lens, mask and the gate.
- Oil and warm up the projector for ten minutes
After this has been done, there is nothing else immediate to do before the film is started, apart from lacing up. Double check that the film is ready to show, check that there are no notes from the Chief Proj. Use this time to prepare the films you will be making up and down - Move their cases into the projection room. This reduces the amount of noise you make during the film. If you have spare time, and feel confident, you could start making down the previous film.
Step 2 - Striking the Bulb
A short but important step. If you have not already done so, switch on the supply at the wall. After checking that the dowser is shut, turn on the power supply main switch, wait for the fans to speed up, and then press the striker button briefly, but firmly. DO NOT JAB AT IT. A short but firm push is all that is required. Switch on the sound bulb. Step 3 - Lacing the Projector and Setting Tensions
When the projector has been warmed up for ten minutes or so, it is time to lace up the film. Getting lacing right takes some practice and experience, so don't worry if it does not seem to go to plan the first time!
The film should be ready to be made down, and will usually (but not always) be head out.
So: Making Down, if the film is Head Out, reel 1 is on the outside, so you need to start with reel 1, and work down to the last reel. If the film is Tail Out, you need to start with the last reel and work back towards the start. Procedure:
- Assuming the film is Head Out, open the box marked reel 1, and take out the head and tail.
- Attach the head to the start of the reel. If Tail out, attach the Tail (or footer) to the loose end of the film.
- Check that the frames on the header (or footer) match the film.
- Attach the loose end of the film to a core on a split reel and fix to the bottom spindle of the tower. (Top spindle if the film is tail out). Check that the spool nut is fixed tightly.
- Wind the film onto the split reel, making sure that you are not being too noisy.
- Stop at the mark at the end of the reel (marked with the yellow chinagraph) and detach the next reel at the splice.
- Attach the footer to the end of the reel you have just taken off, checking that the frame on the end of the reel matches that on the end of the footer.
- Place reel in its box and continue with 1 for the next reel.
- Remember that the last reel will only have a header, as the tail will still be attached to the film.
Step 6 - Making Up
Making up is the reverse of making down. The reels have to be taken out of their boxes, and spliced together in the correct order, making sure that the sound track is the correct way around on the tower (always nearest the spool tower). Check each reel in turn, looking to see if they are head out, or tail out. This is marked on the start of the film. For a head out film (all reels are head out), put the large spool onto the bottom spindle of the spool tower, and start with the first reel on the top of the tower. For a foot out film, (all reels are foot out), put the large spool on the top of the tower, and start with the last reel. Step 7 - Ending the Film and Clearing Up
When the credits start going through the projector at the end of the film, put the house lights up enough so they are at the lowest setting, without flickering. - Clear up the projection box, putting all rubbish into the bin. Pay special attention to any loose bits of film and tape that you might have left around.
- To encourage people to leave, gradually raise the house lights.
- When the last of the film has gone through the projector, MUTE SOUND and stop the projector.
- Run round, and turn the spool tower motors off.
- Extinguish the bulb by turning the power off and on again immediately! This is very important. Make a note of the bulb time in the projector log book.
- Start the film rewinding. (Remember to keep an eye on it!)
- Raise the screen.
- Take out the gate and mask, and remove all traces of chinagraph with a cloth. Wipe down the projector, being careful not to touch any of the optical components of the sound head.
- Replace the lens in the cupboard.
- Pack speakers away, and put away blacking.
- After the bulb is cool (about 10 minutes), turn off the power supply, and power to the rest of the equipment.
- Fill in all sections of the making up and down book and the log book. IMPORTANT!