NAME /Rognvald/ I, "The Wise", Jarl of More SEX M/ b ABT. 830 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway d. ABT. 891 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland -- NAME Ragnhilda /Hrolfsdottir/, Countess of More SEX f/ b. 848 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland -- NAME Berenger /de Bayeaux/ SEX M/ b. 847 -- NAME Eystein /Ivarsson(Glumra)/, The Noisy SEX M/ b. ABT. 800 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway aka The Rattle -- NAME Aseda(Ascrida) /Rognvaldsson/, Countess of Oppland SEX F/ b. ABT. 812 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway -- NAME the Sea King /Hrolf/ SEX M/ b. ABT. 800 -- NAME Erik VIII /Bjornsson/, King of Sweden SEX M -- NAME Sigrid Storrada /Skoglar-Testedot/, Queen Sweden SEX F -- NAME /Isabella/ SEX F -- NAME /Margaret/ SEX F -- NAME Isabel /Vermandois/ SEX F -- NAME Hedwig of /Normandy/ SEX F -- NAME /Sigurd/ I, "the Mighty", EysteinssonI SEX M/ b. ABT. 832 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway d. 874 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland -- NAME Malahule (Haldrick) /Eysteinsson/ SEX M/ b. ABT. 845 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway -- NAME Ivar /Oplaendinge/, Jarl of the Uplanders, Norway SEX M/ b. 783 Norway Ivar, Jarl of the Uplands of Norway, birthdate recorded 830, assumed about 683 -- NAME Aseda /Rognvaldsson/ SEX F -- NAME Halfdan II /Eysteinsson/, "The Mild", King of Vest SEX M b. 762-68 Holtum, Vestold, Norway d. 800 Borre, Vestold, Norway-- Illness Married Liv, Dagsdatter abt 782 King of Vestfold, Norway Gave much gold to his men Starved his men in their diet "aka" the Meek Died on the bed of sickness in Borre NOTE: He was called Halfdan the Mild or Meek. He was said to be generous with his men, giving them gold instead of silver like other Kings. He didn't give his men much food and they were close to starving. He was also said to be a bad entertainer. Hee was a great warrior and went a viking many times. He had great properties. He married Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. In Vestfold, in his cheif house he died in sickbed and was burried at Borre under a mound. -- NAME Liv /Dagsdatter/ SEX F/ b. 772 Holtum, Vestold, Norway -- NAME /Eysteinn/ I, "Fretr" Halfdansson, King of Vestold SEX M/ b. 736 Vestfold, Norway d. Buried at Raden, near Vodle--Drowned ABT. 761 Married Hildi Ericsdatter King of Vestfold note: Eystein married Hildi Ericsdatter. She was the daughter of Eric Agnarsson, who was the king of Vestfold. King Eric died with no son, so he passed his kingdom to Eystein. He ruled there as long as he lived. At this time there was a great warlock named Skjold who lived at Varna. King Eystein went to Varna and plundered and took many valuables, peasants' stock and killed cattle for provisions. Then took off in his war ships. Skjold heaard of this and became very angry. Skjold went the shore and just saw the tips of the sails of Eysteins ships as they departed into the horizon. Skjold took his cloak, waved it and blew into it. A great wave was created. The wave knocked KIng Eystein into the sea, he drowned. His men rescued his body and buried it in a mound at Raden, near Vodle -- NAME Hildi /Ericsdatter/ SEX F/ b. ABT. 740 Vestfold, Norway -- NAME /Finland/ SEX M b. 402 -- NAME Thorborg /Alreksson/ SEX F/ b.470 Sweden -- NAME Alf /Alreksson/, King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 468 Sweden -- NAME Solveig /Halfdansson/ SEX F/ b. 684 Soleyum, Sweden -- NAME Ingjald "the Wicked" /Ingvarsson/, King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 660 Sweden d.681- Burnt himself to death Married Gauthild Algautsson King of Sweden/Was very fearce/Killed many kings for their domains Called wicked because he was made to eat the heart of a wolf NOTE Ingjald was said to have been too meek as a child. So Ingjald was given a wolfs heart to eat, and it was said that he became a most ferocious person, and of the worst diposition after that day. When he was grown he married King Algaut daughter, Gauthild. Now when King Ingjald to the kingdom there were many district-kings. King Ingjald ordered a great feast to be prepared in Upsal. He had a large hall made ready for the occassion. This hall was called the Seven Kings Hall, in it seven seats for kings. Then Ingjald sent men all through his kingdom and invited to his feast kings earls and other men of consequence. When all the guest arrived and after they were all drunk, Ingald had the hall burned. Anyone who tried to exit was killed. Then King Ingjald took possession of all their domains, and he took scatt form their countries. Time passed and he made many enemies. He burnt and killed many kings and their people. One of his enemies finally surrounded him and was set to kill him. He gathered his people and had a great feast and set his hall on fire and burnt everyone to death including himself and his wife. -- NAME Gauthild /Algautsson/ SEX F/ b. 664 Sweden -- NAME Onund /Ingvarsson/, "Land Clearer", King Of Sweden SEX M/ b. 638 Sweden Married abt.659 One of the most popular Kings of Sweden/ he became very rich Went to Estland to avenge his father aka: Roadmaker--Cleared land and made roads note: Onund was a very rich and popular king. There were good seasons during his reign and the Swedes loved him. Onund went with his army to Estland to avenge his father. There he plundered and ravaged and brought home much booty. Sweden is a great forest land. Onund bestowed great diligence and expense on opeing the woods and cultivating the cleared land. He made roads throughout the countryside. He had a house built for himself in every district of Sweden. Killed by a land slide of clay and stone -- 1 NAME Algaut /Gautreksson/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 639 NAME Ingvar /Eysteinsson/, "the Tall", King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 616 Sweden King of Sweden Was a great warrior Made peace with the Danes NOTE King Yngvar was a great warrior. He also made peace with the Danes, so they woiuld stop ravaging the land. One summer he went to Estland and plundered at a place called Stein. The men from Estland came down from the interior with a great army and there was a great battle. King Yngvar fell and died during the battle. He was buried there close to the seashore. -- NAME Eystein /Adilsson/, King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 594 Sweden d. Lofond, Sweden--Was burned to death King of Sweden until he lost his Kingdom to Solve NOTE Eystein ruled after his father. Eystein was killed by the Sea-King Solve, while he was at a feast in Lofond. Solve came unexpectedly in the night while Eystein and his men were sleeping. They set the house on fire that the king was staying at and killed all in side. Then Solve demanded to become king. The Swedes collected an army and tried to defend the country. There was a great battle that lasted for 11 days. In the end Solve was victorious and then ruled the Swedes for many years. Finally the Swedes betrayed Solve and killed him. -- NAME Adils /Ottarsson/, King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 572 Sweden d. Upsal, Sweden-- Fell off horse and split his skull Took Yrsa captive on a raid in Saxland, then they married Married in Sweden Yrsa was stolen by Helge forced into marriage with him Yrsa had a son by Helge named Rolf Krake King of Sweden Helge was actually Yrsa's father Yrsa returned to Adils and remained with him thereafter NOTE Adils succeeded his father and was a long time king who went on many viking expeditions. On one of those expeditions he went to Saxland. The King Geirthjof and his wife Alof the Great were not at home and there was no mention of their children. Adils and his men plundered and to a herd of cattle that was attened to by slaves. Among them was a very beautiful girl name Yrsa. Adils returned haome with his plunder and the slaves. Adils soon discovered that Yrsa was well spoken and intelligent and was not one of the slaves. All the people thought well of her, especially the king. The king married Yrsa and she became queen of the Swedes. King Halfdan's son Helge ruled at the time over leidre. He came to Sweden with so great an army that all Adils could do was flee. King Helge plundered and captured Yrsa and later married her. They had a son they named Rolf Krake. When Rolf was 3 Queen Alof came to Denmark and told Yrsa that her husband King Helge was actually her father and that she Alof, was her mother. Thereupon Yrsa fled back to Sweden and was Adils Queen until her death. king Helge fell in a war, and Rolf Krake(age 8) was taken to succeed his father as King of Leidre. King Adils had many disputes with Ole of the Uplands. They had a battle on the ice of lake Venner, in which Ole fell in battle. King Adils loved horses, and had the best horses of the times. One of his horses was called Slongve, and another Raven. Raven was taken from Ole on his death, and bred tp produce another horse also named Raven, which was given to King Godgest of Halogaland as a present. When Godgest mounted the horse he could not handle him well and fell and was killed. This accident happened at Omd in Halogaland. King Adils was at a Disa sacrifice at the time; and as he road his horse named Raven stumbled and fell, and was thrown forward on his head, and his skull was split. Adils died at Upsal and was buried in a mound. The Swedes called him a great king. 1 NAME Ottar /Egisson/, "Vendelcrow", King of Sweden Died in Battle with Danes King of Sweden His did not continue the friendship his father had with King Frode of Denmark King Frode attacked Sweden, then King Ottar attacked Denmark NOTE King Ottar did not continue in friendship with King Frode. King Frode then demanded Ottar pay the scatt that his father owed. Ottar refused to pay. He replied that no Swede had ever paid scatt to the Danes, and he never will. Frode gathered a great army and landed in Sweden and ravaged the country. Frode killed many people and took great booty. The next summer Frode went on an expedition to the east. Ottar took this oppurtunity to ravage and plunder the Danes with no resistance. Ottar heard that many people were collected at Sealand, so he proceeded westward to the Sound, and sailed north to Jutland and landed at Lymfjord; they destroyed and plundered there as well. Vatt and Faste charged to defend Frode's kingdom in his absence. When Vatt and Faste heard about the destruction by Ottar the gathered there ships and men and sailed for Lymfjord. They came unexpectedely upon Ottar and many on both sides died. The battle ended with the fall of Ottar and the greater portion of his men. The Danes took Ottar's body to land and let the wild beasts and crows tear it appart. Thereafter they made a figure of a crow out of wood, sent it ot Sweden, and sent word that their king was no better that a crow. From that day forward Ottar was known as Ottar Vendelcrow. -- NAME Egil /Aunsson/, King of Sweden Battled 8 times with Tunne, his fathers counsellor Liked to hunt Was quiet, not a warrior Egil succeeded his father. He was no warrior like his father. Egil made enemies of Tunne, his fathers slave and counsellor, when he put Tunne amoung the other slaves. Tunne took this very bad. Tunne left and dug up treasure he had stolen from Aun when he died and gave it to his men and became their chief. They marauded and pilaged the country side. When King Egil heard of this his gathered his army and went in pursue of Tunne. One night while King Egil was sleeping, Tunne and his men attacked killing many. Egil fled and Tunne pursued, leaving a trail of destruction behin him. King egil and Tunne had 8 battles, and Tune was the victor. Then King Egil fled the country, going to Sealand in Denmark, asking Frode the Bold for assistance. Frode gave him an army, later to be paid for. Egil with Frode's aid, and Tunne met again in battle. This time King Egil was victoriuos and Tunne fell, and the king recovered his kingdom and the Danes returned to there home. Egil sent Frode the bold many great gifts every year, but paid no scatts for the victory. Even though Egil never paid the scatts he owed Frode, they became friends, so Frode over looked the debt. After Tunne's fall King Egil ruled for 3 more years, until he died, when A bull destined for sacrifice escaped and created great havick in the country side. King Egil was a great hunter. One day while Egil was hunting he traced the escaped bull and tracked it down. He road up to kill it, but the bull turned suddenly, the king struck it with his spear, but the bull had already speared the king s horse with its horns causing the horse to fall. The king sprang up, but it was to late, the bull gored him in the chest. The kings men killed the bull, and the king died a short time later. -- NAME "the Aged" /Aun/, Jorundsson, King of Sweden Fled to Gotland twice Sacrificed all of his 9 sons, save one Lived for a extremely long time NOTE On ro Aun became King of Swedes after his father. He was a wise man who made great sacrifices to the gods, but being no warrior, he lived quietly at home. Halfdan the King of Denmark continually attacked King Aun of Sweden. Halfdan was usually victorious over Aun. At last King Aun fled to Wester Gotland. Halfdan then ruled Sweden. Finally Halfdan died in his bed at upsal, and was buried there in a mound. King Aun returned to Upsal when he was sixty years old. He made a great sacrifice, and in it he offered up his son to Odin. Aun got an answer from Odin; that he should live sixty more years. Then came Ole the Bold, a son of King Fridleif, with his army to Sweden. Ole was victorious so Aun fled a second time to Gotland and for 25 years Ole was the King of Sweden, until he was killed by Stardkad the Old. Aun then returned to Upsal and sacrificed again for long life, and ruled again for 25 years. Then he sacrificed his second son. He was answered by Odin: that he should sacrifice a son every 10 years, and that he should name one of the districts of his country after the number of son he was to offer to Odin. After he had sacrificed his 7th son he continued to live but had to be carried by chair. Then he sacrificed his 8th son, and lived thereafter ten years, lying in his bed. Then he sacrificed his 9th son, and lived 10 more years, but had to drink out of a horn like an infant. He now only had one son remaining, whom he also wanted to sacrifice, but the Swedes would not allow it, so Aun died and was buried in a mound at Upsal. Since that ime it is called Aun's sickness when a man dies without pain, of extreme old age. -- NAME Jorund /Yngvasson/, King of Sweden SEX M/ b. 487 Sweden Often gone on Expeditions/ Plundered Denmark Taken prisoner of Gylog NOTE Jorund was King of Swedes. he often left to go on war expeditions. One summer he went with his forces to Denmark, where they plundered and took much booty. In the autumn he went to Lymfjord and marauded there also. While he was at Oddesund with his men, King Gylog of Halogalund, a son of King Gudlog, started a battle with Jorund. When the country people saw this they swarmed from all parts towards the battle, in great ships and small; and Jorund was over powered by the multitudes. His ships were cleared of his men and he tried to escape by jumping over board, but was made a prisoner of Gylog. Gylog ordered gallows to be erected, led Jorund to it, and had him hanged there. So ended his life. -- 1 NAME Yngvi /Alreksson/, King of Sweden Murdered by his brother Was a handsome, great warrior who was loved by his people. NOTE Alric's sons Yngve and Alf, then succeeded the Kingly power in Sweden. Yngve was a great warrior, always victoriuos; handsome, expert in all exercises, strong and very sharp in battle, generous and full of mirth; so that he was loved by all his people. Alf was a silent, harsh, and unfriendly man, and sat at home while his brother went out to battle. King Alf had a wife named Bera, who was the most agreeable of women. One autumn, Yngve returned home victorious from battle. He was much celebrated. Yngve often sat long at the drinking table, while Alf went willingly to bed very early. Queen Bera often stayed up and conversed with Yngve. Alf soon told Bera that she should not stay up so late with Yngve, but retire early with him. She replied to Alf, that happy would be the women who had Yngve instead of Alf for a husband. She often told Alf this, and this made Alf very angry. One evening Alf went ot the hall and found Yngve and Bera talking. Alf went straight to them and pulled a sword from his cloak and pierced Yngve many times. Yngve leaped up and drew his short sword and gave Alf a death wound. They both fell dead to the floor. -- 1 NAME Alrek /Agnasson/, King of Sweden Died of Crushed head Married Dagreid Loved to tame horses teased and competed with his brother some say he and his brother killed each other NOTE Agnes had 2 sons Alric and Eric. Together they both were Kings of Sweden. They were both very powerful men, great warriors and expert at all feats of arms. It was their custom to ride and break in horses both to walk and to gallop, which nobody understood so well as they; and they teased with each other as to who was the best. One day both brothers road out alone, with their best horses and never returned. The people went out to look for them, and they were both found dead with their heades crushed. -- NAME Dagreid /Dagsdotter/ SEX F -- NAME Agne /Dagsson/, King of Sweden SEX M d. Agnefet where he was hanged to death Married Skalv Marauded Finland Kill chief Froste Took Froste Daughter and Son NOTE Agne was a powerful and celebrated man, expert, and exercised in all feats. One summer King Agne went to Finland and marauded. The Finland people gathered a great army, led by chief Froste. There was a great battle, in which King Agne was victorious. Froste fell as did many of his people. King Agne continued his way through Finland gathering much booty. He took Froste's daughter Skjalv, and his son Loge, and carried them along with him. When he sailed from the east he came to land at Stoksund, and put up his tent on the flat side of the river, where there was a wood. Agne had at the time the gold ornament that belong at one time to Visbur. He then married Skjalv, and she begged him to make burial feasts in honor of her father. He invited great many guest and had a great feast. He had become very celebrated by his expedition, and there was a great drinking match. When the king became very drunk, Skjalv bade him to take care of his gold ornament. He bound it around his neck, and went ot sleep. His tent stood at the edge of the woods, and a high tree branched out over it giving protection from the sun. While he was asleep, Skjalv took a noose, and fastened it under the ornament. Then her men tore down the tent poles, cast the rope attached to the ornament over a tree branch and pulled. The king was hanged until he died. King Agnes was buried there, which was later called Agnefet; it lies on the east side of the Tauren, and west of Stoksund. -- NAME Skalv /Frostasson/ -- NAME Dag /Dyggvasson/, "the Wise", King of Swedes SEX M Killed by a hayfork to the head He was said to be so wise, he understood the language of birds NOTE Dag ruled Sweden. Was said to be so wise he understood the languages of birds. He had a sparrow which told him much news, and flew to different countries for him. Once the sparrow flew to Reidgotaland, to a farm called Varva, where he flew inot a peasant's corn field and took some grain. The peasant killed the sparrow with a stone. King Dag was worried that the sparrow did not come home. In a sacrifice of expiation, inquired after the sparrow, he got the answer that the sparrow was killed at Varva. King Dag gathered a great army and went to Varva. He plundered Varva and the town people fled away before him. King Dag returned in the evening to his ship, taking many prisoners. As they were crossing the river Skjotan, a thrall of people came running to the riverside, and threw a hayfork into the Kings troops. It stuck the King in the head. He fell instantly from his horse and was dead. In those times the chief who ravaged a country was called Gram, and the me-at-arms under him Gramer. "Wht news is this that the king's men, flying eastward throu the glen, Report? That Dag the Brave, whose name Is sounded far and wide by fame -- That Dag, who knew so well to wield The Battle-axe in bloody field, Where brave men meet, no more will head The brave -- that mighty Dag is dead! Varva was wasted with the sword, Abd veneance taken for the bird -- The little bird that used to bring News to the ear of the great king. varva was ravaged, and the strife Was ended, when the monarch's life Was ended too -- the great Dag fell By the hayfork of a base thrall!" -- NAME Dyggvi /Domarsson/, King of Swedes 1st to be actually called King, instead of Drott Soveriegn NOTE Dyggvi ruled after his fatehr. Nothing is known about his death, except he died in his bed like his father. His mother was a daughter of King Danp, of Denmark, who was the Son of King Rig, who was first called "King" in the Danish tongue. Rigs descendants thereafter took the title of King. Dyggvi was the first of his family to be called King. His predecessors were call Drott Soverign or Drottnar, and their wives called Drottningar. Each family member was call Yngve, or Yngune and the ancestors were called Ynglinger. -- 1 NAME Domar /Domaldasson/, King of Swedes Married Drott Danpsson Had a long reign Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Wife was sister to King Dan Mikillati, from where Denmark gets its name Times were good and plentiful Died in his bed Body was burned at Fyrisvold NOTE He ruled after his fathers death. He reigned lang, and the land was prosperous and peaceful. Nothing is told of his death, except that he died in his bed at Upsal, and his body was takedn to Fyrisvold, where it was burned on the river bank where his standing stone still remains. "I have asked wise men to tell Where Domar rest, and they knew well. Domar, on Fryie's wide-spread gound, Was burned, and laid on Ynve's mound. -- 1 NAME Drott /Danpsson/ 1 SEX F 1 NAME /Danpi/ 1 SEX F 1 NAME Domaldi /Visbursson/, King of Swedes 1 SEX M Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Ruled during times famine and distress Murdered by his people as a sacrifice to the gods NOTE Domaldi took the heritage of his father and ruled the land. At this time there was great famine and distress. The Swedes made great offerings of sacrifice at Upsal. The first autumn they sacrificed oxen, but the succeeding season did not improve. The following autumn they sacrificed men, but the next year was even worse. The third autumn, when the offer of sacrifices should have begun, a great number of Swedes came to Upsal; and the chiefs held consultations with each other, and all agreed that the times of scaricity weree on account of their king Domaldi, and they resolved to offer him as sacrifice for good seasons. They killed him and sprinkled the stalle of the gods with his blood. "It has happened oft ere now, That foemand's weapon has laid low The crowned head, where battle plain, Was miry red with the blood-rain. But Domaldi dies by bloody arms, Raised not by foes in war's alarms -- Raised by his Swedish liegemen's hand, To bring good season to the land." -- NAME Visbur /Vanlandasson/, King of Swedes SEX M/ b. 319 Finland d. BEF. 339 Married daughter of Aude the Rich Had 2 sons, Gisle & Ond Married again Had a son by new wife, Domaldi Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Sweden, Finland NOTE Visbur succeeded his father. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave to her as a bride-gift 3 large farms and a gold ornament. They had 2 sons Gisle and Ond. Visbur later left her and took a new wife, and they had a son named Domaldi. His first wife used witchcraft to cast bad luck on Visbur. When his first 2 sons were 12 and 13 they came to their father and asked for their mothers dower and gold ornament. Visbur would not give it to them. The boys said the the gold ornament should be the death of Visbur, and then they returned home. The boys and their mother again began enchantments to destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she should bring about the means of murdering Visbur, that murder by your own kin should not take place in the Yngling race. Thereafter she collected men and they came unexpectedly in the night and killed Visbur, and burned him in his house. -- Vanlandi /Svegdasson/ SEX M/ b. ABT. 298 Sweden d. 318 Uppsala, Sweden Took winter refuge in Finland and married Driva Left his wife in Finland and said he would return in 3 years Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) He was a great warrior who went to many lands. He is said to have been killed by witchcraft. NOTE Vanlande, succeeded his father. He was a great warrior, and went to many far away lands. Once when he was wintering in Finland with Snae the Old, he married Driva Snae's daughter. In the spring he set out leaving Driva behind with the promise he would return in 3 years. Vandlande did not return as promised. Driva sent a message to the witch Huld; and sent Visbur, her son by Vanlande, to Sweden. Driva bribed the witch Huld. She wanted the witch to bewitch Vanlande into returning to Finland or kill him. Vanlande was at Upsal, and a great desire came over him to return to Finland, but his friends and councelors advised him against it. It was said that the witchcraft of the Finn people showed itself in his desire to return. Vanlande then became very tired and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept but a little, he cried out, saying that the Mara was treading on him. His men hastened to him to help; but when they took hold of his head she trod on his legs, and when they took hold of his legs, she pressed upon his head; and then he died. The Swedes took his body and burned it at a river called Skytaa, where a standing stone was raised over him. "And Vanlande, in a fatal hour, Was dragg'd by Grimhild's daughter's power, The witch-wife's, to the dwelling-place Where men meet Odin face to face. Trampled to death, to Skytaa's shore The corpse his faithful followers bore; and there they burnt, with heavy hearts, The good chief killed by witchraft's arts. -- NAME Svegdi(Swegde) /Fjolnarsson/, King of Swedes SEX M/ b. 277 Uppsala, Sweden d. 297 East side of Swithiod, Stein Married Vana in Sweden Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Made a solemn vow to seek Godheim and Odin Went on a 5 year journey with 12 men NOTE Swegde took the kingdom after his father, and he made a solemn vow to seek Godheim and Odin. He went with 12 menthrough the world, and came to Turkland, and the Great Svithiod, where he found many of his connections. He was 5 years on this journey; and when he returned home to Swedenhe remained there for some time. He had go a wife in Vanheim, named Vana, they had a son named Vanlande. Swegde went out seeking his Gods again, and came to mansion on the east side of Swithiod called Stein, where there was a stone as big as a large house. In the evening after sunset, so the story goes, Swegde was going from the drinking table tohis sleeping-room, he cast his eye upon the stone, and saw that a dwarf was setting under it. Swege and his men were very drunk, and they ran towards the stone. The dwarf stood in the door and called to Swedge, and told him to come in, and he should see Odin. Swegde ran into the stone, which instantly closed behind him, and Swedge was never seen again. Thiodof of Kvine tells of this: "By Diurnir's elfin race, Who haunt the cliffs and shun day's face, The valiant Swegde was deceived, The Elf's false words the king believed. The dauntless hero rushing on, Passed through the yawning mouth of stone: It yawned --it shut -- the hero fell, In Saekmime's hall, where giants dwell." -- NAME Fjolner /Yngvi-Freysson/, King of Swedes SEX M/b. 256 Uppsala, Sweden d. Hleithra, Denmark-- Drowned Married in Uppsala Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Sweden Friends with Fredfrode of Leidre Died while visiting his friend Fredfrode Fell in a vessel of mead and drowned NOTE Fjolne, Yngve Frey's son, ruled after his father. He was powerful, and lucky in seasons and in holding the peace. He developed a freindship with Fredfrode of Leidre, and visited his friend many times. Once when Fjolne went to visit Fredfrode in Sealand, a great feast was prepared for him, and invitaitons to it were sent out over the entire country. Frode had a large house, in which there was a great vessel many ells high, and put together of great pieces of timber; and this vessel stood in a lower room. Above it was a loft, in the floor was and opening through which liquor was poured into this vessel. The vessel was full of very strong mead. In the evening Fjolne, with his attendants, was taken into the vessels adjoining room to sleep. In the night he went out to the gallery to seek a certain place, and he was very sleepy and exceedingly drunk. As he came back to his room he went along the gallery and entered the wrong room. He went into the room with the vessel of mead in it, and slipped and fell into the vessel of mead and was drowned. So says Thjodolf of Kvine: "In Frode's hall the fearful word, The death-forebding sound was heard: The cry of fey denouncing doom, Was heard at night in Frode's home. And when brave Fodre came, he found Swithiod's dark chief, Fjolne, drowned. In Frode's mansion drowned was he, Drowned in a waveless, windless sea." -- NAME King of the Swedes /Yngvi-Frey/ SEX M/b.235 Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Married Gerd Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Prosperous king Worshiped by the Swedes NOTE Njord son Frey took the kingdom after his fathers death. He was called drot by the Swedes, and they paid taxes to him. He was like his father, fortunate in friends and in prosperity. He built a great temple at Upsal, made it his chief seat, and gave it all his taxes. He began the Upsal domains, which have remained ever since. The Swedes became even more prosperous under Frey's reign. They began to worship him. His wife was called Gerd, and his son was called Fjolne. Frey was also called by another name, Yngve; and this name Yngve was considered long after his death a name of Honor, so that his descendants have since been called Ynglinger. Frey fell into a sickness; and as he became worse no one was let near him. In the mean time they raised a great mound, in which they placed a door with three holes in it. Now when Frey died they put him secretly into the mound, but told the Swedes he was alive; they kept watch over him for three years. They brought all the taxes into the mound, and through one hole they put the gold, through another silver and through the third copper money. Peace and prosperity continued. When it became known to the Swedes that Frey was dead, and yet peace and good seasons continued, they believed it must be so as long as Frey remained in Sweden; and therefore they would not burn his remains, but called him the god of this world, and afterwards offered continual blood-scarifices to him, principally for peace and good seasons. -- NAME Gerd /Gymersson/ SEX F/b. 239 Uppsala, Sweden -- NAME King of Swedes /Njord/ SEX M/b. ABT. 214 Noatun, Sweden Drot Sovereirgn of Sweden (King) Peaceful reign Practiced blood sacrifices to Odin Became Ill and killed him self with a spear as sacrifice to Odin NOTE Njord of Noatun was the sole sovereign of the Swedes; and continued the sacrafices of the Swedes, and was called the drot sovereign, and he recieved scatt and gifts from them. In his days there was peace and plenty, and such good years, in all respects, that the Swedes believed Njord ruled over the growth of seasons and the prosperity of the people. In his time all the diar or gods died, and blood-sacrifices were made for them. Njord became ill and was on his deathbed, and before he died, stabbed himself with a spear, as a sacrifice to Odin. The Swedes burned him, and all wept over his grave-mound. -- NAME /Gymer/ SEX M/ b. ABT. 214 -- NAME /Orboda/ SEX F/b.ABT. 218 Sweden -- NAME /Freya/ SEX F/ b. ABT. 237 -- NAME Swanhilda /Eysteinsdatter/ SEX M/b.ABT. 850 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway -- NAME Rognvald /Olafsson/ SEX M/b. 790 Jutland, Norway -- NAME Hrollager /Rognvaldsson/, of Iceland b. ABT. 860 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway -- NAME Thordis /Rognvaldsson/ b. ABT. 862 Maer, Nord Trongelag, Norway -- NAME Ivar /Rognvaldsson/ SEX M/b. ABT. 864 -- NAME The Silent /Thorer/, Rognvaldsson b. ABT. 868 -- NAME /Giselle/SEX F -- NAME Count of Corbiel /Robert/SEX M -- NAME "Turf" /Einar/, Rognvaldsson, Jarl of Orkney/SEX M -- NAME Thorfinn I /Rollo/, Hausakliffer Einarsso/SEX M b. ABT. 890 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland d. AFT. 977 Buried in burial mound, Hoxa, Ronaldsay, Scotland -- NAME Erlend I /Einarsson/, Jarl of Orkney/SEX M b. ABT. 888 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland d. 954 Stainmore, Westmoreland, England -- NAME Arnkell /Einarsson/, Jarl of Okney/SEX M b. ABT. 866 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland d. 954 Stainmore, Westmoreland, England -- NAME Olaf /Gudrodsson/SEX M b. 770 -- NAME Gudrod /Halfdansson/SEX M b. 738 -- NAME Halfdan /Hvitbein/, King of Uplands and Hedemark/SEX M b. 704 Romerike, Norway d. Toten, Buried at Skaereid, at Skiringsale died of Natural causes Married Aasa Was taken by the Swedes and made king King of Uplands and Hedemark Foster with King Solve Lived to an old age and died in his bed NOTE Halfdan fostered with King Solve in Solyar. Solve was his mothers brother. The Swedes crossed the Eida forest with their men and took Halfdan prisoner. They put King Solve to death and plundered. They made Halfdan King of the Uplands and Hedemark. He was a great king, with many good seasons. He married Aasa, and they had 2 sons, Eystein and Gudrod. He lived to a very old age and died in his bed, in Toten. His body was taken to Skaereid, at Skiringsale and buried there. -- NAME Asa /Eysteinsson/SEX F/ b. ABT. 715 Uppland, Norway -- NAME Haardaade /Eystein/SEX M -- NAME Solveig /Halfdansson/SEX F -- NAME Olaf /Ingjaldsson/, The Tree-Feller/SEX M b.682 Varmland, Sweden Married Solveig Hafdansson King of Sweden who was driven out of Sweden. He cleared many forrests. Many Joined Olaf in Vermeland, Fleeing Ivar. Then came bad crops and the people sacrifced Olaf to Odin. NOTE Olaf was forced to leave the country. He settled at Venner lake by the Klar river. He began to clear woods and make a home for himself. Soon many came there and it grew to a great community. It was called Vermeland, and the living was food. Olaf married Solva, a daughter of Haldan Guldtand. They ha d 2 sons. Ingjald and Halfdan. A great many people fled from Ivar whonow ruled Upsal. They flocked to Olaf hearing about the good seasons there. The land there could not support that many people. There came bad crops and much famine. The people blamed Olaf. They rose up against him and surrounded his house and burnt him up in it, giving him as a sacrifce to Odin. -- NAME Helge /Halfdansson/SEX M b.528 Denmark -- NAME Driva /Snairsson/SEX F b. 302 Finland -- NAME Snaer /Jokulsson/,"the Old", King of Finland/SEX M b. 275 -- NAME /Vana/SEX F/b. ABT. 281 Vanaheim, Sweden -- NAME Halfdan /Frodasson/ -- NAME Frodi /Fridleifsson/SEX M/b. 479 Demark -- NAME Fridleif /Frodasson/SEX M/b. 456 -- NAME Fridleif /Frodasson/SEX M/b. 433 -- NAME Dan /Olafsson/SEX M/b. 412 Denmark -- NAME Olaf /Vermundsson/SEX M/b. 391 -- NAME /Danpi/SEX F/b. 395 -- NAME Vermund /Frodasson/SEX M/b. 369 Demark -- NAME Frodi /Havarsson/SEX M/b. 347 -- NAME Haver /Fridleifsson/SEX M/b. 325 -- NAME Fridleif /Frodasson/SEX M/b. 303 Hleithra, Denmark -- NAME Frodi /Fridleifsson/SEX M/b. 281 -- NAME Fridleif /Skjoldsson/SEX M/b. 259 Hleithra, Denmark -- NAME /Skjold/SEX M/b. 237 -- NAME /Gefion/SEX F -- NAME /Odin/SEX M/b. 215 -- NAME Friege or Frea /Frigg/SEX F/b. 219 -- NAME Bor /Frithuwald/SEX M/b. 190 Asgard, Asia or East Europe -- NAME /Ve/ -- NAME /Vili/ -- NAME /Freothalaf/SEX M/b. 160 Asgard, Asia or East Europe -- NAME /Beltsa/SEX F -- NAME /Finn/SEX M/b. 130 -- NAME /Flocwald/SEX M/b. 100 -- NAME /Godwulf/SEX M/b. ? Asgard, Asia or East Europe -- NAME Ingjald /Frodasson/SEX F -- NAME Frodi /Frodasson/SEX M