The following chronicles are of different dates
and all relate to the Swedes and the Vikings.
During the beginning of the second century A.D, the
Roman historian Cornelius Tacitius wrote his book
Germany and Its Tribes. In some hundred words he
described the people living in Sweden, making him, to
our knowledge, the first man ever to write about them.
And clearly, we stand facing a people who are seaborn,
labourious and with a rigorous military organization.
They are ruled by a king who his mighty and powerfull.
These few words, though no real facts or evidence is
presented, gives us an insight in a people who centuries
later would in fact try to sack Rome herself.
And now begin the states of the Suiones, situated on the ocean
itself, and these, besides men and arms are powerful in ships.
The form of their vessels is peculiar in this respect, that a prow
at either extremity acts as a forepart, always ready for running
into shore. They are not worked by sails, nor have they a row of
oars attached to their sides; but, as on some rivers the apparatus
of rowing is unfixed, and shifted from side to side as
circumstances require. And they likewise honour wealth, and so
a single ruler holds sway with no restrictions, and with no
uncertain claim to obedience. Arms are not with them, as with
the other Germans, at the general disposal, but are in the
charge of a keeper, who is actually a slave; for the ocean forbids
the sudden inroad of enemies, and, besides, an idle multitude of
armed men is easily demoralized. And indeed it is by no means
the policy of a monarch to place either a nobleman, a freeborn
citizen, or even a freedman, at the head of an armed force.Beyond
the Suiones is another sea, sluggish and almost motionless,
which we may certainly infer, girdles and surrounds the world,
from the fact that the last radiance of the setting sun lingers on
till sunrise
Adam of Bremen
The German priest Adam of Bremen is better known for
his history about the bishops of Hamburg and Bremen,
The Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesia pontificium. In this
work he also desribes Sweden, the Swedes and Birka.
The land of the Sveons and Nordland
After passing the Danish islands you will encounter a new
world. It is the land of the Sveons and Nordland, which are two
large countries in the North. Until now these countries have
been unknown to us.
The well informed Danish King (Sven Estridssen) has told me
that the country of the Sveons is hard to pass through even in a
month. This, he said I know because i fought with king
Jacob for twelve years in these countries. They are surrounded
by high mountains, especially Nordland. The mountains
surround the entire country of the Sveons.
The old authors Solinius and Orosius tell us of the country of
the Sveons. They say that the Sverbs live in the largest part of
Germany, and that these mountainous areas go all the way to
the Riphenian mountains. There the river Elbe, which Lucanus
mentions, flows from the mountains through the land of the
Goths down to the ocean. The river is also called Göta Elb. The
land of the Sveons has rich soil and an abundance of crops and
honey. Beside this they have many animals, their forests are
The country has a lot of foreign merchandise.
They have an abundance of all things and lack nothing. Despite
this they are not arrogant. All worldly items we praise so much
means nothing to them. Only when it comes to adultery they
know no bounds.
They have many wifes, chiefs and kings have countless. The find
all children born in such a relationship legitimate. If one of them
rapes a maiden or another mans wife they are punished with
The Temple of Uppsala
The Sveons have a famous temple called Uppsala not far from the
town of Sigtuna. In this temple, which is decorated with gold,
they worship their gods. The mightiest, Thor, has a throne in the
middle of their large hall. On both sides of Thor Odin and Frey
They have given their gods several priests who bring sacrifices
from the people to give to the icons. If a famine or plague strikes
the land they sacrifice to Thors icon. If there is a war they
sacrifice to Odin, and if they celebrate a marriage they sacrifice
to Frey.
Every ninth year they celebrate a large feast in honour of their
gods. All the tribes of the Sveons participate in this celebration.
Kings and powerful clans send gifts to Uppsala. All Christians
must pay a fine when this year.
The ritual sacrifice that occurs at this celebration follows the
following procedure: Of all living male species nine are
sacrificed. Their blood is shed to please the gods. Their bodies are
then hung in a sacred grove. This grove is so sacred that the
heathens think the trees have turned magical from receiving the
strength from all the dead bodies. Beside humans they hang dogs
and horses. A Christian who witnessed this celebration has told
me that he count seventy-two bodies hanging there. They sing
songs to honour their gods, the contents of these songs is better
to leave unsaid.
Close to the temple a large tree stands, its branches and leaves
are green the entire year, in Winter and Summer. There is no
telling what species this tree belongs to. By the tree there is also
a spring by which the heathens sacrifice. They throw living
people into it. If the person is not found the peoples wishes will
come true.
A chain of gold surrounds the temple. It hangs over the roof and
shines towards people approaching far away.
The Vita Ansgarii
The German priest Rimberts chronicle, The Vita
Ansgarii, the life of Ansgar, tells us of the German
missionary Ansgars journey to Sweden and life in Birka.
We aslo witness an attack on Birka.
Ansgars journey to Birka
Ansgar accepted the mission given him by the emperor, to travel
to the land of the Swedes and investigate whether this people
was prepared to accept the Christian faith. The messengers sent
by the Swedish king had said so.
What terrible dangers Ansgar encountered on this journey
father Vitmar can account for. We are satisfied telling that he
encountered pirates, as he had travelled half way. The
merchants Ansgar travelled with defended themselves bravely.
The pirates, however, were victorious. Ansgar nearly did not
make it to the shore soon after. In this way all the gifts the
emperor had sent to the Swedish king were lost. They lost forty
books that were going to be used in mass.
After this accident some of them who travelled with Ansgar
wanted to turn back, but Gods servant, Ansgar refused, and
continued his brave journey. He put his faith in God and swore
that he would not return until he had finished preaching in this
With difficulty they travelled a great distance on foot.
Sometimes they had to pass lakes and rivers. At last they arrived
in the harbour town the Swedes call Birka. They were kindly
met by the king, who was called Björn. After listening to them
he held council with his men and they decided that they would
allow the Christians to preach in kingdom.
Many Swedes listened to Ansgar and many found faith. One of
them was the kings own steward, a man called Hergeir. He
built a small church on his estate. Ansgar stayed in Birka for a
year and a half then returned to Germany.
After Ansgar returned to Germany a new Bishop, Gautbert,
was appointed Bishop of Sweden and the North and was sent to
Nithard becomes a martyr
The bishop Gautbert and his followers encountered great
hardship. The Swedes had been influenced by the devil, and
with fanatical frenzy they began to attack him and there were
many intrigues. Some of them swore to throw the Christians out
of the town and attacked the house Gautbert was staying in.
They killed his nephew Nithard, who in my eyes now is a martyr
of God because he was killed by people who hated the gospel.
Gautbert and the others in the house they tied up, and after
they had stolen everything they owned they told them to leave
their country. This did not happen by the orders of the Swedish
king but was an act committed by the heathens.
God did not allow in any way this atrocity go unpunished. All of
those who had taken part in this crime were shortly punished i
some way or other, all in different ways. About this there was
much talk among the people.
Birka is attacked
King Anund had been exiled from his kingdom and lived as a
refugee in Denmark. He was anxious to win back his kingdom
and asked for help from the Danes. He offered them, if they
helped him, an abundance of goods and merchandise. He offered
them the town of Birka itself. In Birka there were many rich
merchants and a superflow of goods of all kinds and money and
valuables in great quantities. He promised to lead them to the
town and without any military losses take the town in their
possession. The Danes were content with the promised prises
and equipped twenty-one ships with able men. Anund had
eleven ships of his own.
After leaving Denmark they arrived to Birka, and the
inhabitants were taken by surprise. The king of the Swedes was
at this moment far away with his chiefs and the army did not
find time to gather. Only Hergeir, the kings steward, was in the
town. In this critical situation the inhabitants fled to the fort.
They began to sacrifice to their gods, or devils, hoping to be
saved. But the fort was not very strong and they were too few to
defend themselves so they sent a messenger to king Anund and
asked for friendship and alliance. King Anund let them know
that they had to pay a hundred pounds of silver in ransom. Only
on this condition would they be saved. The inhabitants
immediately payed the sum to the king.
The Danes, however were not pleased, because this alliance was
not part of their arrangement. Instead they wanted to attack the
town, take everything and burn down the town. They said that
the merchants owned more than what had been offered and that
the payment was an insult. When they discussed this they
agreed to storm the fort.
The inhabitants in the fort came to hear of their plans and agreed
to pay more silver to the Danes and sacrifice to the gods. When
Hergeir heard them speak of this he became furious and said:
May God curse your promises and your heathen gods. How
long are you going to serve the Devil and ruin yourselves with
meaningless promises.
The inhabitants were struck with terror and did not know what
to do. They all answered: Our salvation depends on your
advice. Hergeir answered them: If you want to give promises,
give them to God.
Meanwhile King Anund had begun to negotiate with the
Danes, he suggested they should decide the fate of the town by
lottery, in order to find out if it was the will of the gods or not to
spare the town. There is, he said, many and powerful gods
and there is a Christian church where they worship Christ. It is
therefore necessary to find out if it is the will of the gods to
destroy the town. The Danes could not deny this.
So it was decided through lottery if the town was to be spared
and the lot said that they could not destroy the town. The Danes
now asked what they should do instead because they did not
wish to return to Denmark empty handed. The lot then decided
that they should go to a town in the land of the Slavs. The Danes
now thought that this was what the gods wanted and left. They
travelled to the town and attacked it.
King Anund, who had come to conquer, declared peace with the
inhabitants and gave them their silver back. He settled down
and lived with them in peace. In this way God spared the
inhabitants of Birka.
Ibn Fadhlan
Ibn Fadhlan was an Arab who travelled to Russia on the
river Volga. By the river Atil he meets Vikings (Rus) and
describes them with fascination.
I Have Seen the Rus
I have seen the Rus. They had come down to the river Volga to
trade and they had settled by the river Atil. I have never seen
more perfect bodies. They are tall as date palms, blond and
ruddy. The Rus do not wear a Curtak or a Caftan. Instead they
wear cloaks that covers only one side of their bodies and leaves
one arm free.
Each man has an axe, a sword and a dagger that he keeps by his
side at all times.
All their women have beautiful brooches over their breasts.
These are made of iron, silver, copper or gold, depending on
their husbands wealth. To every brooch a there is a ring with a
small knife attached to it. Around their necks they carry a
necklace made of gold or silver.
They are Allahs filthiest creatures. They do not wash after
relieving themselves or after intercourse. They do not wash
their hands after they have eaten. They are like mislead donkeys.
They anchor their ships by the river Atil, which is a large river.
By the shore they build a large house made of wood. In this
house over twenty of them will live together, sometimes even
more people. They all have their own bed to sleep and sit on.
They bring beautiful slave girls with them on their journeys,
which they sell to slave traders. They have intercourse with
them when people are watching. Sometimes several of them will
have a girl in each others company.
Every day they wash their faces in the dirtiest water. Every
morning a slave girl with bring the water to her master. He will
then wash his hands, face and hair. He then blows his nose and
spits in the water. When he is finished the slave women will
carry the water to his comrade. The water passes all the men
and all of them blow their noses and spit ion the water.
The Burial of a Chieftain
I had been told that their burials were very special and I wanted
to attend one. One of their chieftains had died and I was invited
to the ceremony. If a wealthy man dies, they divide what he
owned into three parts. One third is given to his family, one
third is to pay for the funeral and the last third is to pay for the
beer that is consumed during the funeral when the dead man is
burned together with one of his slaves. They drink all the time,
day and night, and it is not uncommon that they die of drink.
One of them asked the slave girls: Who will die with him?
One of the girls answered: I shall die with him. From then on
she was guarded by two other slave girls who followed her all
the time. The girl drank and sang while they prepared the body.
They bury their dead in their ships . They had dragged the dead
mans ship out of the water up on land. Around the ship they
built a large construction of wood. They then lifted the ship up
onto this construction. They began to come and go and utter
words I could not understand. They built a bench on the ship
and put the dead body there. They covered the bench with cloth,
cushions and silk.
An old women, who they call the angel of death, arranged all
of this. She is the one who kills the slave girl. I saw that she was
ruddy and fat.
They dressed the body of the dead man with trousers, boots and
a jacket. On his head they put a hat made out of sobel. The body
was then carried into the pavilion they had built on the ship and
they lay him on the cushions. They brought beer, fruit and
basilica. Then they brought bread, meat and unions and lay it
down before him. They took a dog and cut it in half and threw it
on the ship. All his weapons were collected to be placed beside
him. Two horses were killed and put on the ship. Then they
killed two cows. A rooster and a hen were also placed there.
The slave girl they were going to kill walked from tent to tent
and slept with the owner of the tent. After they had finished
with her they said: Tell your master that I did this for his sake.
When the evening arrived, they brought the slave girl to a
wooden gate they had built. She walked over the hands of the
men and entered the gate reciting words I could not
understand. They then lifted her up and down three times.
After this they took the slave girl to the ship. She took of all her
jewellery and gave it to the woman they callthe angel of death.
The men came with shields and staffs and gave her beer. She
began to sing and finished the beer.
They gave her more beer and she continued to sing. The old
woman urged her to step into the pavilion where her master lay.
The angel of death eventually had to pull her into the tent by
the head.
The men now began to hit their shields with their staffs so the
screams from the slave woman would not be heard. They did not
want the other slave girls to hear this because they might refuse
to seek death with them in the future. Six men entered the
pavilion and all of them slept with the slave girl. The death angel
put a rope around the girls neck and gave the end of the rope to
two of the men. The men pulled the rope and the angel of death
began stabbing the girl between the ribs.
People now brought fire wood and a man came with a piece of
wood that was on fire. He was the dead mans closest relative
and was completely naked. He walked with his back towards the
ship and put it on fire.
The fire consumed the wood, the ship, the dead chieftain, the
slave girl and everything the Rus had put on the ship. A wind
started to blow, and the fire grew stronger.
Next to me a man of the Rus turned to me and said: You
Arabs are really stupid! You take the person you love the most
and bury him in the earth where maggots, worms and insects
eat him. We burn our loved ones so they can enter paradise
When everything had burned they built a large mound of earth
and stuck a pole of birch in it. On this piece of wood they had
written the dead mans name and the name of the king of Rus.
Then they left.